Monday, September 7, 2009

Saturday TravelScooting

I woke up Saturday having a bad knee day and without my TravelScoot I wouldn't have been out running errands because I could hardly walk.

Alan and I started out at Home Depot shopping for a new toilet for my bathroom. We zipped in and before long we were finished. It was pouring rain when we left so the very helpful staff at checkout gave Alan an umbrella to use to get to the car and sent me to the lumber department to exit the store so he could drive under the covered area and keep me and my scoot dry.

The next stop was for lunch at Bravo's, a new Italian restaurant in Baton Rouge. I normally don't use my scoot to go in restaurants, but today I was grateful to have it. The staff was great. Without asking they sat us near a place we could easily leave my scoot and still watch it. (It kept a baby stroller company while we ate.)

After that we went to the Sprint store to shop for phones. I used my scoot here too because it enabled me to have a place to sit while I comfortably shopped the store for a new phone. I'm now the proud owner of an Earth Green (in more ways than color!) Samsung Reclaim. Alan's is Ocean Blue. It's made from corn!


  1. I got out on mine yesterday too. We first we went to Costco and I zipped around there looking at everything. It's been ages since I could do that. Costco is attached to our Mall so while Bill was checking out I took a spin around the mall, stopping to looking in Penney’s and Bath and Body works. LOL he was finished way before I was and patiently waited for me at the Costco end of the mall.

  2. Costco is on my "to do list". I have only been there once and that was 8 years ago. Now that you mention it I haven't been in JC Penny for about 18 years, I am adding that to my list too. My mom was an avid Penny shopper her entire life. Growing up all of our clothes, bedding etc was all from Penny's.. memories la la la la de de da~

    That's a cute little phone Elizabeth, how is it working out?

  3. So far so good with the phone. I charged it on Saturday and as of today it is down by one bar. That's EONS better than the 15 minutes of conversation I got out of my last battery before it went to one bar. :-)
